Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bike Riders

Get over yourselves!  You are not cars and you are not the SHIT!!! I almost hit you yesterday, if you think you are a car, you must follow the rules of the road!  Stop signs always mean stop, and if you don't, your chances of getting hit by me go up 100%!!!  Just ride on the side walk, you slow down traffic and piss me off!  They have those little lines on the side of the road for you, but still, don't ride on the road or you will be getting flipped the bird!  If your a bike rider and don't believe me or if your interested, here are the rules for bikers:

Pay attention to point 4 ;)


Nick said...

lol I am the shit though!

BenWester said...

confused...bikes are considered vehicles and are allowed to share the road and one must be courteous when sharing the road with other travelers. these people that you speak of, it may be their only form of transportation and you should respect that and possibly their financial situation...sounds like you just want to murder all of the bikers on the road...i remind you that's wrong and you would be hearing from the police..

LpoolK7 said...
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LpoolK7 said...

You are very confused my friend... They must stop at stop signs instead of riding through them w/o stopping... I wasnt serious about hitting them, and have no problem with them riding bikes? Its just that they should follow the road rules, instead of thinking cause they are a "bike" they can just cut corners.